Coinciding with the World Facility Management Day '22, the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) and the Catalan Association of Facility Management (ACFM) organized a visit to the National Art Museum of Catalonia to be able to observe, first-hand, the challenges faced by a Facility Manager in such a peculiar environment in which technology and art as well as a high density of visitors and different cultural activities.

The ACFM chose this place to hold the next event on Facility Management, based on a visit to the museum facilities. As you know, the museum is subject to renovations and renovations. Being exhibition halls, there are notable aspects

  • Preventive conservation management is carried out (of almost 300,000 works of art in the building, both the continent and the content, works of art, are BCINs (Cultural Assets of National Interest)),
  • the importance of lighting, to be able to see and enjoy the exhibited works in the best possible way, and,
  • the importance it has for the museum (as it is one of the most important own economic resources), the rental of spaces (especially the Oval Room).

After the reception and welcome, there was an entertaining presentation, by the Museum, of its general characteristics and the aspects mentioned above, as well as other activities and performances in progress. After the presentation, we proceeded to the visit of different areas of activity of the Museum. The corresponding images of the visit, by area, are shown below (click on the image for a better view):

  • Welcome and Introduction

  • Exhibition Area

  • Services

  • Roof


On the other hand, and below, we publish a video that, although it does not fully correspond to the total content of the visit made, it does contain part of the explanations received in the technical areas and service galleries.


We thank the attendees for their participation and, especially, Mr. Xavier Abelló (Area of Infrastructures and General Services of the MNAC) as well as the sponsors of the event , MITSUBISHI ElectricCBRE and Artycultura, their collaboration for the development of the day.