After seven editions under the name of the European BIM Summit, the leading international congress on technologies, organized by Col ·legi de l’Arquitectura Tècnica de Barcelona (Cateb), takes a step towards innovation and new trends in the sector to consolidate and create his new identity. Once the BIM concept and methodology has been integrated into the collective imagination as an innovative and essential management model for the sector providing greater efficiency and optimization of costs and resources, it is time to move forward and go further. That’s why now on, starting with this edition, which is being held for the first time within the framework of Construmat, the congress will be the European Building Summit Barcelona (EBS Barcelona).

With a renewed image and a broader thematic spectrum, the evolution also mean the joining of construction to the congress. The new name, and so the renewed logo of the congress, keeps the European and Summit concepts that identify and differentiate the event from their similars. But now with more attention on to the building, beyond the construction, to broaden out the thematic spectrum.

The range offered by the new naming, without losing its roots, means a natural coexistence with the image, also renewed, of the Cateb. and at the same time it is associated with the word Barcelona, ​​using the city brand as a reputational suport. A positioning that wants to take advantage from his origins to move foreward and open up to a broader audience.